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  1. Sustainability - Why bother?
    In this section of the Hub we highlight the need for us all to understand the impacts of climate change on our region including more extremes of weather such as warmer summers, wetter winters, and increased storms.
  2. Training & Resources
    The following modules provide training in different aspects of sustainability and focus on the potential benefits to your business, and the practical next steps that you can take.
  3. Action and Communication
    A sustainability strategy sets out your priorities, where and how you are going to focus your resources, what success looks like, and helps you communicate to the people who matter to your business
  4. Commitment & Recognition
    If your business is genuinely trying to operate in a more sustainable way, and seeing results from this activity, why not share this and gain recognition.
  5. Funding & Support
    If you are keen to implement new approaches to sustainability there is plenty of support and sometimes funding available.

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