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Selfridges announces the launch of A Swap Shop by LOANHOOD, taking place across its stores in London, Manchester, and Birmingham. For the first time, Selfridges’ customers can bring in their preowned pieces to exchange for stamps to ‘shop’ a curation of secondhand pieces to take home, without any purchase required.

Hosted in partnership with LOANHOOD, a circular fashion community for rental and swapping, the swap shops aim to prolong the lifespan of clothing by championing creativity and style over buying new and form part of Worn Again, a season of experimental second-hand and circular shopping experiences at Selfridges.

Offering another way to revive and refresh wardrobes while reducing fashion consumption, the swap shops will take place in June and July.

According to latest figures by Wrap, the average UK adult owns 118 items of clothing but has not worn 26% of them in the last year, calling for new ways to extend the life of unworn pieces that could significantly reduce the environmental cost. The swap shops team of expert assistants will help customers to style and exchange items, dialling up the pleasure, fun and desirability of shopping secondhand.

Each customer can bring up to five items of men’s and women’s clothing worth a resale value of £50-£300. A dedicated team will value items in exchange for stamps based on type, brand, and condition, the stamps can be used to select new-to-them pieces from the swap shop.

The Swap Shop by LOANHOOD schedule is as follows:

•1st – 4th June: Selfridges Manchester Trafford

•8th – 11th June: Selfridges Manchester Exchange Square

•22nd – 25th June: Selfridges Birmingham

•10th – 30th July: Selfridges London (Tickets live from Friday 26th May)

Across Birmingham and Manchester as part of the swap shops, customers can book an appointment with an Upcycler in Residence for bespoke customisations including frills and applique or to make signs of wear and tear points of pride and interest, tickets are £5 per booking and include upcycling of one garment.

For more information and for complimentary tickets bookable in timed slots visit: