•    Free online classes – DXtra Online - led by DanceXchange regular class tutors.
•    30-min Beginner/Improver classes Monday – Friday until 3 April via Instagram Live.
•    Ballet, Salsa, Commercial, Vogue and Contemporary styles, find out more at https://www.dancexchange.org.uk/dxtra-online-classes/

DanceXchange is inviting people of all dance abilities to join in with their FREE online dance classes, DXtra Online, over the coming weeks. The 30-minute classes, led by DanceXchange’s regular class tutors, will run initially until 3 April via Instagram Live.
Regular class attendees and members of the public wanting to give something new a try can choose from Ballet, Salsa, Commercial, Vogue and Contemporary. The dance styles were chosen in an online vote by DanceXchange followers.
Lucie Mirkova, Head of Artistic Programmes at DanceXchange, said: “Taking part in a live online dance class is the perfect way for people to feel connected during the UK quarantine and we are so pleased that we can support the dance community through this new programme.  
“Dance is a great way to support well-being and fitness, both of which are increasingly important to us all at this difficult time. Through DXtra Online, DanceXchange is pleased to be able to support our dance tutors by providing on-going employment as well as being able to continue providing a service for our regular class attendees.
“And for those new to dance, this is a great opportunity to give dance a go, try out a new style and not worry about anyone watching you!”

The programme is currently:
MONDAY / Ballet/ 6.30pm / Led by Sebastian Loe
An introduction to the basics of classical ballet, the concepts of core stability, turn-out, flexibility, posture and placement. 

TUESDAY / Salsa / 6.30pm / Led by Helen Calcutt
An authentic Cuban-salsa dance class that combines strong dance technique with all the zest of Cuban rhythms and styling, in a fun and energetic way.

WEDNESDAY / Commercial / 6.30pm / Led by Michael Brandon
Personalised choreography that is full of flare, strong dynamics and attitude. For beginners who want to learn, progress, have fun and be pushed. 

THURSDAY / Vogue / 8pm / Led by Jason Andrew Guest (In partnership with Unmuted & Shout)
Learn to vogue and bring it to the runway. Learn the fundamentals of the vogue and the ballroom culture it comes from. Strike a pose and join DX for an introduction to voguing.  

FRIDAY / Contemporary / 6.30pm / Led by Laura Vanhulle
Explore the basics of contemporary dance by improving coordination, strength, body alignment and flexibility. A fun class learning the basics, full of positive energy, focus, and fun!
Classes will run on Instagram Live and be available for 24 hours after the class for participants to enjoy in their own time.

The timetable of online classes can be found here.
Future classes will be announced via DanceXchange social media, please follow:
Note: All DX public facing class activity is currently suspended until further notice. Please visit http://bit.ly/dxcoronavirusupdate to read DanceXchange’s full statement regarding Coronavirus (COVID -19).

Birmingham Pro Class

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A new programme of online classes, aimed at professional dance artists, recent dance graduates and those in dance training, to be live streamed via Instagram at 10am each Thursday at www.instagram.com/brum.proclass

This new online programme will run initially for 10 weeks, and will be funded through reserves built up through Birmingham Pro Class membership fees, and individual pass and class purchases made over the last twelve months. 

Details of the full 10 week programme will be published online here.